Start a Chapter

Campus Chapter

  • Chapters may be established only in an accredited college or university with an recognized degrees in one or more of the fields of Communications Arts and Sciences.
  • National Council will determine the qualifications of the petitioning group and its members for affiliation with the Fraternity, in accordance with standards set forth in the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Fraternity.
  • A minimum of ten petitioners shall be required to establish a campus chapter. (This may be adjusted at the discretion of National Council).
  • Campus Charter Form, Membership Applications, Required Fees, List of Chapter officers (names and titles) as well as a list of proposed professional projects will be required at time of petition.
  • Reactivation of a Chapter adhere to the same guidelines with the exception of Campus Charter Form.  A Campus Reactivation Form must be completed instead. List of INSTALLED CHAPTERS.

To find out more information on reactivating or initiating campus chapters, please contact the 1st Vice-President: Paul Cantillon –

Professional Chapters

  • A group of members of Zeta Phi Eta  may organize a professional chapter in any locality with approval of National Council.  There should be a professional chapter in the immediate vicinity of each campus chapter.
  • A minimum of five petitioners is required to establish a professional chapter. They must all be Zeta Phi Eta members.

if you’re interested in becoming involved on a professional level, please contact our National President, Blair Shiff –

Alumni Brunch